The report by NGO Chetna said the discoms have been billing the consumers Rs 900 crore annually for five years by charging for electricity generated through Residual Back Flow caused by absence of "three-phased neutrals" in lakhs of electronic metres.
"The discoms have collected a whopping amount of Rs 4,500 crore in the last five years for power that was never supplied," said Anil Sood, President of Chetna. The discoms had rejected the report.
"The data of 327 transformers of Tata Power Delhi Distribution Ltd which showed negative loss which means the discom charged the consumers much more than the electricity supplied," he said.
"If one examines the quantity of electricity supplied through a transformer in any particular area in a month and the quantity of energy for which bills have been generated then the difference comes out in open," said Kakria.
Gulshan Rai of Janakpuri RWA claimed that "fool proof evidence have been collected" which showed that discoms have been charging the consumers much more than the quantity of power being supplied.
Demanding immediate action against the discoms, Rai said the Delhi Electricity Regulatory Commission in 2011 had admitted that it was a very serious issue and directed private power distributors to take corrective measures.