Indian companies rose close to Rs 64,000 crore in April through the private placement of corporate bonds, a surge of 55 percent from last year's level, for business expansion, repayment of debt and sustaining working capital requirements.
This is on top of Rs 6.41 lakh crore garnered in the entire last fiscal through this route.
According to latest data available with markets regulator Sebi, firms garnered about Rs 63,819 crore in April 2017, higher than Rs 41,079 crore raised in 2016.
Bajaj Capital Senior VP and Head Investment Analytics, Alok Agarwala attributed the high inflow to low interest rates.
"The cost of raising debt was lower due to decline in interest rates, which encouraged companies to raise capital through private and public bonds," he added.
In terms of numbers, 301 issues were made in April this year compared to 314 in the same month last year.
In debt private placements, firms issue securities or bonds to institutional investors to raise capital.
This is on top of Rs 6.41 lakh crore garnered in the entire last fiscal through this route.
According to latest data available with markets regulator Sebi, firms garnered about Rs 63,819 crore in April 2017, higher than Rs 41,079 crore raised in 2016.
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In March, firms had mopped-up Rs 85,633 crore through the route.
Bajaj Capital Senior VP and Head Investment Analytics, Alok Agarwala attributed the high inflow to low interest rates.
"The cost of raising debt was lower due to decline in interest rates, which encouraged companies to raise capital through private and public bonds," he added.
In terms of numbers, 301 issues were made in April this year compared to 314 in the same month last year.
In debt private placements, firms issue securities or bonds to institutional investors to raise capital.