Rs 35 crore have been allocated in the budget presented in Parliament today for building toilets in the JJ clusters, more than 100 per cent rise from Rs 17 crore in 2013-14.
"The lack of toilets not only creates health problems, but also raises concerns about safety of women. The Government of NCT will endeavour to provide toilet facilities to all slums dwellers in Delhi in the current financial year.
"I propose to increase the plan outlay for the purpose from Rs 17 crore in 2013-14 to Rs 35 crore in the current financial year," Union Finance Minister Arun Jaitley said in his budget speech.
An estimated 40 lakh people live in unauthorised colonies in the city.
The Finance Minister also proposed a plan outlay of Rs 215 crore for Housing and Urban Development Sector for the fiscal year.
Jaitley said that the Delhi Government is constructing about 58,064 houses for those belonging to economic weaker section under JNNURM, out of which 14,844 have been completed, adding that steps are being taken to complete the remaining houses.