Addressing a public meeting here, Shah, who is on his first tour to Tamil Nadu after assuming charge of the party, took a swipe at Rahul's charge that the Modi government has not done anything for the people in the last six months after making tall promises and asked him to give an account of what the 60-year Congress rule has done to the country.
"Let me tell Rahulji. When we come to people for another mandate after five years, we will not have the blot of any scams on us," Shah said.
On the handling of the border issues with Pakistan, he claimed that the NDA government was more decisive, as Indian Army was putting an end to the border firing, unlike during the UPA regime, when Pakistan started and ended the firing.
"He (Rahul Gandhi) may not know the difference because he wears Italian spectacles," Shah quipped.
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The jibe was in response to Rahul's recent comments that the BJP-led NDA government had not done anything for the people in the last six months after making tall promises on a host of issues, including bringing back black money.
Defending the Centre's decision to replace the Planning Commission, he said it was to involve states in policy making.
Slamming dynasty politics, he said grassroots level workers in the BJP could rise to the highest level and cited the example of Modi, who rose from humble beginnings as a tea vendor.
The BJP president set a target of enrolling 60 lakh new members in Tamil Nadu, as part of its efforts to strengthen it in the state.