Prominent among those who filed their nominations are K I Manirathnam, who secured a Pattali Makkal Katchi (PMK) seat in Chidambaram (SC) constituency at the eleventh hour after being denied by Congress, PMK President G K Mani and Puthiya Thamizhagam founder leader K Krishnasamy.
The day saw the highest number of 139 candidates joining the fray since the nominations opened on March 29.
Krishnasamy, who left the AIADMK alliance and joined the DMK fold, filed his nomination from Tenkasi (SC) constituency.
The last date for filing of nominations in all 39 Lok Sabha seats in the state is April 5 and scrutiny will be held on April 7. The last date for withdrawal is April 9.
As for Alandur assembly bypoll, one candidate filed his nominations taking the total number of nominations to five.