As G20 Summit began in this coastal Turkish town, Prime Minister Narendra Modi and other world leaders were urged to work towards inclusive growth and to involve civil society in policy making processes.
The C20, a grouping of civil society members from the world's 20 top economies, said in a statement that the bottom half of the world's population owns the same amount of wealth as the richest 85 people in the world.
Besides, seven out of ten people live in countries where economic inequality has increased in the last 30 years, it said in a statement.
"The C20 calls upon G20 leaders to systematically track the income growth rates of the poorest 40 per cent against the richest 10 per cent and modify growth strategies, by facilitating access to social protection and public services including quality education, guaranteeing a living wage, and strengthening civil society participation in policy-making processes," the grouping added.
G20 is a wealthy and powerful bloc of countries represents two-thirds of the world's population, 85 per cent of the global GDP and over 75 per cent of global trade, C20 said.
"However, wealth does not guarantee an automatic reduction in discriminatory outcomes for economically excluded sections of society, especially women, young people and other marginalised groups. Unless benefits of economic growth reach everyone, particularly the most disadvantaged, the global economic, social and political predicament is likely to deteriorate," it said.
Civil 20 or C20 is one of the six formal G20 engagement groups that seeks to communicate policy propositions to G20 leaders to promote sustainable and inclusive development. The leaders from these countries including Prime Minister Modi are here for the two-day G20 Summit.
The C20 recommendations draw on contributions from over 5,000 individuals and close to 600 civil society organisations from 91 countries worldwide.
On climate change, it said 76 per cent of global fossil fuel emissions come from G20 countries and and more than 1.4 billion people do not have access to electricity. In 2010, out of the USD 409 billion spent on fossil-fuel subsidies, only USD 35 billion, or 8 per cent of the total, reached the poorest 20 per cent.
The C20 called upon G20 leaders to agree on a fair and equitable long term emission reduction and recarbonisation goal, take immediate action to completely and equitably phase out fossil fuel subsidies by 2020 and significantly increase public climate finance. It also suggested making energy efficiency and renewable energy an infrastructure investment priority.
On tax issues, the C20 asked the G20 leaders to support deeper global tax reforms involving all countries on an equal footing in negotiating new rules, to ensure that multinational companies pay tax where they do business.
It also called for urgent steps to address issues like gender inequality, refugees' crisis and corruption.
The C20, a grouping of civil society members from the world's 20 top economies, said in a statement that the bottom half of the world's population owns the same amount of wealth as the richest 85 people in the world.
Besides, seven out of ten people live in countries where economic inequality has increased in the last 30 years, it said in a statement.
"The C20 calls upon G20 leaders to systematically track the income growth rates of the poorest 40 per cent against the richest 10 per cent and modify growth strategies, by facilitating access to social protection and public services including quality education, guaranteeing a living wage, and strengthening civil society participation in policy-making processes," the grouping added.
G20 is a wealthy and powerful bloc of countries represents two-thirds of the world's population, 85 per cent of the global GDP and over 75 per cent of global trade, C20 said.
"However, wealth does not guarantee an automatic reduction in discriminatory outcomes for economically excluded sections of society, especially women, young people and other marginalised groups. Unless benefits of economic growth reach everyone, particularly the most disadvantaged, the global economic, social and political predicament is likely to deteriorate," it said.
Civil 20 or C20 is one of the six formal G20 engagement groups that seeks to communicate policy propositions to G20 leaders to promote sustainable and inclusive development. The leaders from these countries including Prime Minister Modi are here for the two-day G20 Summit.
The C20 recommendations draw on contributions from over 5,000 individuals and close to 600 civil society organisations from 91 countries worldwide.
On climate change, it said 76 per cent of global fossil fuel emissions come from G20 countries and and more than 1.4 billion people do not have access to electricity. In 2010, out of the USD 409 billion spent on fossil-fuel subsidies, only USD 35 billion, or 8 per cent of the total, reached the poorest 20 per cent.
The C20 called upon G20 leaders to agree on a fair and equitable long term emission reduction and recarbonisation goal, take immediate action to completely and equitably phase out fossil fuel subsidies by 2020 and significantly increase public climate finance. It also suggested making energy efficiency and renewable energy an infrastructure investment priority.
On tax issues, the C20 asked the G20 leaders to support deeper global tax reforms involving all countries on an equal footing in negotiating new rules, to ensure that multinational companies pay tax where they do business.
It also called for urgent steps to address issues like gender inequality, refugees' crisis and corruption.