Having been outnumbered by the marauding crew who came in over 15 trawlers, altogether 16 forest personnel in two patrolling units beat a hasty retreat from the spot in a vessel leaving behind another, the sources said.
The forest department was alerted on intrusion of fishing trawlers into the turtle habitation corridors and sea patrol stepped up to intercept trespassing vessels when patrolling units spotted about 15 intruding vessels illegally fishing in the prohibited zones, said forest officials.
"Department officials rushed to tow the patrol vessel back to the shore."
Odisha government, in a bid to curb high mortality of the marine species, has prohibited fishing activity within a sea ward radius of 20 km from Gahirmatha marine sanctuary from November 1 in accordance with sections 2, 7 & 4 of Orissa Marine Fishing Regulation Act (OMFRA), 1982.
Since the enforcement of fishing ban, 138 marine fishermen have been arrested and 22 craft seized for unlawful fishing activity within the jurisdiction of Gahirmatha marine sanctuary, the sources said quoting figures.