Actor Ayushmann Khurrana says Gajraj Rao and Neena Gupta, his co-stars from "Shubh Mangal Zyada Saavdhan", have become the country's "most loved on-screen parents" post 2018's "Badhaai Ho".
A follow-up to the actor's 2017 hit "Shubh Mangal Savdhaan", the new film stars Ayushmann and Jitendra Kumar as a homosexual couple trying to win over each other''s family.
Ayushmann said he was glad to be reuniting with Gajraj and Neena, who are playing the father and mother of Jitendra's character.
"Gajraj sir and Neena ji are the most loved on-screen parents for audiences today and it is such a pleasure to have them in 'Shubh Mangal Zyada Saavdhan'. They have won over the audiences and their hearts with their stellar performance and such endearing on-screen chemistry in 'Badhaai Ho'," Ayushmann said in a statement.
He said though his relationship with the two actors is different in the new film, their work dynamic remains the same.
"This time our relationship is a little different, they play parents to my on-screen partner but the energy we have between us is simply infectious."