The Australian unit of the Adani group on Tuesday said the Gandhian values are at the core of the Indian conglomerate, refuting former Greens leader Bob Brown's accusations that its owner Gautam Adani is "leeching" off the legacy of Mahatma Gandhi, ahead of his 150th birthday celebrations.
Holding a demonstration in front of a statue of Gandhi in Brisbane, Brown criticised Adani's sponsorship of the Mahatma's birthday celebrations in the city on Wednesday, saying the billionaire industrialist was trying to piggyback off everything Gandhi stood for, the Australian Associated Press reported.
"I think it's fantastic that the world will celebrate Gandhi's birthday tomorrow (October 2) but Adani leeching on to that and trying to get some kudos from putting some money into it is a travesty," he said.
"(Gandhi) comes from Gujarat state as does Adani, that's where the similarity ends - they're polar opposites," the former senator said.
Responding to his remarks, Adani Australia in a statement said Gandhian values are at the core of the company.
The Adani foundation has contributed about USD 32.8 million to charitable work in the past two years to help Indian communities based on Gandhian values of "using wealth, talent and privileges for those who are not-so-fortunate", the statement said.
"We are proud of the ways in which we have been able to contribute towards Gandhi's vision for India and are proud to support events like this here in Australia, dedicated to his memory," it said.
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