The accused have been identified as Birju Sahni (24), Neeraj (27), both residents of Jahangirpuri, and Amit Bhalla (23), a resident of Nathupura, police said, adding that they accused used to target restaurant, offices and shops, which were locked and unguarded during night.
"We got information that some wanted burglars were yesterday coming towards Rama Vihar area in car to dispose the stolen LCD TVs. Acting on tip-off, police laid a trap and arrested all three accused, who were wanted in several cases of theft and burglars," said a senior police officer.
"They along with a juvenile used to reccee restaurant, offices and shops which were locked during night. Accused would break the locks of the premises and decamp with the LCD TVs kept there," officer also added.
Police said that they were interrogating them about hideouts of their accomplices, who would soon be arrested.