The accused have been identified as Harbeen Singh, Dharambeer Singh, Ram Kumar, Gopal, Govinda, Sher Singh, Krishan, Mangal and Rahul, all aged between 20 and 37, police said.
The gang members mostly targeted women during early morning and evening hours, they said.
Police have recovered a country-made pistol, 2 live cartridges, 11 robbed chains, 2 robbed mobiles and 6 stolen bikes from their possession, they said adding that the accused were arrested in separate raids.
The official said police got a tip-off that Harbeen Singh and Govinda would be coming towards South Delhi yesterday.
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They were subsequently arrested.
"Another team nabbed Ram Kumar, Mangal and Krishan yesterday. Gopal and Dharambeer Singh were arrested by a separate team from South Delhi," the official said.
Rahul and Sher Singh were arrested during a fourth raid in South Delhi yesterday.