WRD secretary Dipak Kumar Singh told PTI, "There is a need to remain watchful about floods till September 10 across the state because Ganga has reached danger level mark at most of the places. This obstructs discharge or offloading of water into it by its tributaries. It may worsen the situation."
Apart from Ganga, rivers like Bagmati, Burhi Gandak, Kamla Balan and Adhwara group of rivers have swelled above the danger levels at various places in the state.
The WRD Secretary said that work is on to restore the breached embankments of Gandak and Bagmati rivers in Gopalganj and Sitamarhi districts, respectively. He added that all other embankments in the state are secure.
Meanwhile, Chief Minister Jitan Ram Manjhi, accompanied by WRD Minister Vijay Kumar Chaudhary conducted an aerial survey of flood affected Saharsa, Supaul and Madhepura districts today to get a first a first hand account of the situation in the Kosi river belt.