Devpal Rana, a member of the notorious Sunil Rathi gang, sustained eight bullet injuries and died while he was being taken to hospital in Dehradun. Two shooters, hailing from Jind in Haryana, were arrested from the spot while another is on the run, SSP Haridwar Sunil Kumar VK told PTI.
Three persons had opened fire at Rana and two of his associates in the additional district judge's court where he had to be produced in connection with an old case, the SSP said.
All three of them were rushed to the Roorkee civil hospital from where Rana was referred to a Dehradun hospital but he died on the way, the SSP said.
His two associates were undergoing treatment.
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Rana, against whom a large number of criminal cases are lodged at different police stations, was lodged in Roorkee jail and had been brought to the ADJ'scourt in connection with a hearing, he said.
The SSP said that they suspect that political rivalry with a man, whose wife is the block pramukh in Saharanpur district of Uttar Pradesh, could be behind the incident.
Two shooters named Sanju and Mohan were arrested from the spot while another shooter named Vikas is on the run.
Two automatic pistols have been recovered from the shooters who are being interrogated.