Sukhwinder Singh alias Lala, who was wanted by police in a number of criminal cases, was returning his home at Sunder Nagar here last night with his two nephews in his car when the miscreants opened fire on him from close range, they said.
He was left dead on the spot, police said, adding a case has been registered against six rival gangsters -- Golu Harpura, Arun Gujjarpura, Saraj alias Mintu, Perry, Mannu and Pavittar Singh.
Sukhwinder was recently facing a murder trial and lodged in the Central Jail Gurdaspur and was on parole.
His father alleged that Harpura had attacked his son. But Harpura himself got a bullet shot in his neck when his son opened fire for self defence, police said.
Sukhwinder was arrested during an encounter with police on January 22, 2012.
The body has been handed over to the relatives after post mortem at civil hospital.