Writer duo Garima Wahal and Siddharth Singh, best known for their work on "Ram-Leela" and Toilet: Ek Prem Katha", are set to direct movies on surrogacy and honour killing.
Casting is currently underway for both the projects, said Garima.
"We are working on a film that revolves around surrogacy, it was earlier called 'Jasmine' and another one is on honour killing. Both the films are ready and we shall go for whichever is ready casting wise first.
"Direction was a natural progression for us but we will continue to write scripts for other filmmamkers as well because writing is our passion" Garima told PTI.
She added that the character in their film on surrogacy goes from 16 to 29 years and they are looking for a right actor to play the part.
"We are facing a bit difficulty in casting for the film. Since it revolves around pregnancy, surrogacy so there are some inhibitions that some female actors are having. It is tough to get the right casting."