"GCCI thanks theCentralGovernment, particularlythe Ministerfor Road Transport, Highways and Shipping, for declaringsix major waterways in Goaas National Waterways under the National Waterways Act, 2016," the chamber said in a release here.
The industry body recalled it has been demanding the nationalisation of Goa inland waterwaysfor quitesometime.
"The Stateauthoritieswerenot abletocarryout anydevelopment activities(in the inland waterways) dueto paucityof fundsand at the sametime were unwilling tocede controlonthem (waterways) to the Central authorities.
"Following the recent development,the Central Government will now be ableto carry out various development activities, most importantbeing dredgingof Mandoviand Zuaririvers which hasbeen pendingfor past severalyears," the industrial body said.