Additional Chief Metropolitan Magistrate D K Jangala asked the joint commissioner of police of city's northern range to hold an inquiry into the allegations of Chanshivroop's father Harminder Singh.
Harminder Singh had alleged that the police was forcing him to file a complaint that Kanda's brother and relatives were threatening him and that he was forced to sign papers purportedly complaining about threat to his life from Kanda.
The police had arrested Chanshivroop Singh, an assistant manager in Kanda's MDLR, allegedly because he was the person who had gone to Dubai where Geetika was working with Emirates Airlines and told its officials that she had earlier secured a job with MDLR on the basis of fake and forged documents.
The prosecution had also alleged that he had sent fake e-mails to Geetika informing her about extradition proceedings against her in Dubai to pressurise her to join back MDLR.
Chanshivroop had been released on bail and and had also recorded his statement as a witness before a magisterial court after he expressed his wish to become an approver. (More)