"Gameplan is a social thriller with the storyline revolving the life of a family - husband, wife and child," Pallabi, daughter of veteran actor Biswajit Chatterjee told PTI here.
Pallabi, who recalled how she had to go to blind school to grasp the world of the visually impaired and perfect their typical eyeball movement for 'The Night After Interview', said, "I play a blind writer in the film."
The acclaimed actor, having also turned up in Anjan Dutta's Ganesh Talkies earlier, was talking on the sidelines of Fashion Vineyard.
"I am not suggesting you can't don tank tops, kurtis, complemented by trousers, but since you are into show biz be a little more hatke," she said.
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Fashion is always influenced by the contemporary sops, she said recalling how she has seen moms and daughters asking the boutique owner or neighbourhood 'ustagar' to stitch a dress on the lines of the lead female character.
"I love funky accessories which can be worn on any occasion while the dresses can't be the same throughout the day. More for people in showbiz, your robes change in morning, afternoon and evening times," Pallabi, having been part of Rituparno Ghosh's Dosar, said.