Levan, playing with white, opted for Reti opening, which got converted to English opening against International Master (IM) Himanshu Sharma. On the 15th move Sharma protected his pawn by moving it ahead and gave the advantage to Levan, but the exchange of Queen led to almost an equal endgame.
However, a bad move again by Sharma gave a decisive advantage to Levan, who won the game in 48 moves.
On the 3rd board, India's upcoming IM Shyam Nikhil P shocked GM Neverov Valeriy in 38 moves. Playing with white, Nikhil faced Sicilian Defense Kan Variation.
Both castled on the opposite side opening up opportunities for stronger attack. With the advantage of Bishop against Knight, Nikhil won the game.
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Earlier, in the fourth round Sharma stunned GM Gagunashveli Merab.
The game, which started in Modern Defense, saw both players playing cautiously. On the 37th move Sharma got control of seventh rank with his rook and with the help of his Queen was able to grab the Queen side pawn on the 41st move.
Mumbai lad Sagar Shah upset Swedish GM Semcesen Daniel in the Dutch defense.