"A couple of instances of some banks crediting fund flow from one of the foreign donor agencies...Without obtaining prior permission of the Ministry (MHA), have been noticed, which is a matter of serious concern," the RBI said in a communication to co-operative banks.
The RBI asked them "to ensure meticulous compliance to the directions issued by the Government".
As per the rules of the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA), a list of 10 donor agencies have been put under "prior permission category" before fund can be transfered from them to individuals, NGO or organisations in India.
The donor agencies place under the "prior permission category" are: Danish International Development Agency (DANIDA); Danish Institute of Human Rights (DIHR); Catholic Organization for Relied and Development Aid (CORDAID); Dan Church Aid (DCA); and Mercy Corps, USA.
The other five are Inter Church Peace Council Pax Christi (IKV- PC), Netherlands; HIVOS, Netherlands; ICCO Stretegische Samenwerking (ICCO), Netherlands; Green Peace International; and Climate Work Foundation (CWF), US.