Haryana government will soon release a WhatsApp number through which anyone in the state can send a photograph of a damaged road which would then be repaired within the next 48 hours, Public Works (Buildings and Roads) Minister Narbir Singh said today.
"After a year, people coming from other states would feel the difference in roads in Haryana. The condition of roads in the state would speak of the development taking place here," an official release quoting him said.
The Department will spend about Rs 108 crore on repair and strengthening of roads, about Rs 50 crore on construction of various buildings apart from the PWD rest house in Gurgaon, he said.
The minister said with that the help of the central government, construction of flyover at Hero Honda Chowk in Gurgaon on NH-8 is in progress and it will cost about Rs 200 crore.
Besides, the central government has also released Rs 1,000 crore for remodelling of three important intersections on NH-8 to resolve the problem of traffic jam in Gurgaon, he said.