Senior Superintendent of Police H N Singh said Sahil, son of Omprakash Singh, resident of New Karhera colony was abducted by unknown persons in Rajendra Nagar.
Sahil's tutor Neeta Paul had sent him to call a girl student living near her residence in Angoori Park. While the girl reached the tutor's house, Sahil did not return, prompting his tutor to inform the police.
Soon police swung into action even as the parents of the child tried to search him. Police also retrieved footages of the CCTV cameras installed in that vicinity but could not find any clue.
When they reached the spot, the kidnappers fled the spot after seeing the lights of police vehicles but left the child there, the SSP said.
He added that the police did not chase the kidnappers because the priority was to save the life of the child.
SSP Singh said police have got clue of the kidnappers and will nab them soon.