Addressing the valedictory function of the event, Jayalalithaa said total investments finalised in the meet stood at "an unprecedented, Rs 2,42,160 crore which is more than double of the target of Rs one lakh crore."
Addressing thousands of delegates, including those from abroad, she said the proposals finalised also exceeded the cumulative investments and MoUs signed by the government of Tamil Nadu in over 20 years between 1991-2011.
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"Today, 98 MoUs have been signed and documents exchanged and the investments are in sectors including manufacturing and energy," she said.
The industrial corridor project in South Tamil Nadu had also received a fillip with large amount of investments committed in this region, the chief minister added.
She also thanked the investors and assured quick clearance of their proposals if they were found to be with proper documentation and informed that senior IAS officials of her government will liaise with them for expeditious clearances.
Jayalalithaa said the quantum of investment committed during the two-day event had given her the confidence that the state could pioneer ahead in accelerating industrialisation.