"Tamil Nadu government should say that they do not need revenue of Rs 26,000 crore through sale of liquor which harms the health of people and hits hard poor families," Tamil Nadu unit BJP chief Tamizhisai Soundararajan told reporters.
"There is no need to run TASMAC (Tamil Nadu State Marketing Corporation-state owned liquor wholesale and retail chain) for the sake of economy (revenue). Constructive economy is enough for Tamil Nadu," she said after participating in a stir against liquor sale and consumption here.
Tamizhisai distributed leaflets which explained the harmful effects of alcohol consumption and urged people to shun it for the good of the country and family.
BJP's Tamil Nadu unit has been steadily staging protests against liquor and is seeking prohibition like all other opposition parties.
The two-day GIM, which ends today, is the first of its kind in Tamil Nadu, which has attracted investments in excess of Rs 1 lakh crore, according to the state government.