The company has sold 30 lakh devices and reached sales of Rs 1,500 crore in the country till August this year. The firm entered the Indian market in March last year.
"Currently, every 7 seconds someone upgrades to a Gionee in India which in itself is a success story and we plan to achieve Rs 3,000 crore business by the end of this fiscal," Gionee Smartphones India Head Arvind R Vohra told PTI.
The company has so far launched 26 devices in India, of which 21 are smartphones. The handsets are available in over 20,000 outlets across the country with over 600 after sales service centres already in place.
"We are targeting sales of Rs 700 crore in the coming two months, starting Navratra for 60 days of festivity," Vohra said.
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Gionee, which considers India the second priority market after China, will launch 5-6 new devices in the remaining five months of the current fiscal.
Gionee, which closed last year with revenues of USD 2.5 billion globally, sells over 23 million handsets per year worldwide and is ranked number 10 in the world in smartphone market share.
The company launched its own brand in India in Q1, 2013. It used to be an original device manufacturer (ODM) for many Indian brands earlier.