The girl from Uttar Pradesh but now residing here has filed a petition through her counsel before Metropolitan Magistrate Ajay Garg saying the local police were not paying heed to her request and she was detained at the police station and her father intimated.
The court, however, said it has no jurisdiction to hear her request and she should approach before an appropriate court in Uttar Pradesh instead of in Delhi.
At this, the girl's counsel said the court should at least direct Sangam Vihar police station to register her complaint otherwise "it will be too late".
The girl in her petition has said she was sent to UP by her parents for her marriage with an old but rich person.
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She refused to accept her parents' choice and expressed her desire to marry a Delhi-based boy she loves.
"The girl was tortured and beaten up badly," the petition said. It also said that on August 19 she escaped from her village in UP and reached Delhi.
"The girl is aware about the planning, preparation and intention of her parents regarding her honour killing," the petition reads.