The 51-year-old accused identified as Dinesh Soni was arrested yesterday after the victim filed a complaint against him on Monday, Rajesh Malik, SHO, Gumanpura police station said.
The victim was raped by her father when she was between age of 9-12 years, Malik said, adding, the accused attempted to rape her again when she came to her parents' home for the Holi celebrations, following which she lodged a complaint with the police.
The girl is a student of BA final year at a government college here and got married in January this year.
Other family members of the victim were aware of the crime but could not gather courage to complain against Soni, Malik said.
The younger sister of the victim also admitted to have received unwanted sexual behaviour from her father in her statement to the police, he added.
Soni who runs a jewellery shop is also reported to be alcoholic, police said.