According to the police, Lakshmi sustained burn injuries on her limbs and abdomen. The incident took place on Saturday evening when the victim was playing near a snacks shop where the oil was being heated for preparing evening snacks. The shop owner had illegally encroached on the street and kept the hot cauldron of oil outside his shop.
A similar incident had happened in Trilokpuri last year when a two-year-old baby died after falling inside a hot cauldron of oil. The toddler fell into the cauldron from his mother's arms in a busy market place after she was hit by an e-rickshaw from behind.
"The victim was playing with her friends near a sweetmeat shop in front of her house when she stumbled upon a hot oil cauldron. She was rushed to a hospital where she is undergoing medical treatment," a senior police officer said.
Police have arrested the shop owner, Shree Chand, from the shop.
He was booked under sections of negligence under sections 336 (Act endangering life or personal safety of others) and 337 (Causing hurt by act endangering life or personal safety of others) of Indian Penal Code (IPC). Chand runs a small sweetmeat shop in the area.