The pass percentage of girls stood at 99.06 per cent as compared to 98.74 per cent of boys.
The overall pass percentage last year was 98.76 per cent.
According to a CBSE statement, the pass percentage in the Thiruvananthapuram region was the highest at 99.96 in the country.
The results in that region, along with Chennai region, were declared on May 19.
In all, 1,32,7250 candidates were registered for class X examination this year, an increase of about 5.51 per cent candidates over that of last year.
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The results were declared 10 days early as compared to last year, which CBSE said had become possible because of introduction of on-screen marking system.
This system is designed to help strengthen the evaluation process and minimising the scope for errors.
It was introduced in class X exams in all subjects and for all regions except Thiruvananthapuram region.
Answer books for these subjects were scanned and uploaded centrally and then downloaded at the evaluation centres online. No question is left unassessed under the system.