Stressing that his aim was "to make Congress more accessible to all, as much as possible", he said in certain states like Uttar Pradesh "one person decides all the candidates."
On a day-long tour of Kerala mainly to know about its experience in decentralised development through local bodies, the Congress leader briefly addressed the 'gram sabha' in a Panchayat near here and participated in an interactive workshop at Kerala Institute of Local Administration (KILA), which offers training programmes for civic body members and officials.
"The most important thing for a political party is to bring in everybody's voice. In certain states like UP one person decides all the candidates before polls.. Political parties should tell the people who are their candidates," he said.
Holding that "many processes in political parties are hidden from the people," he said "if the processes are concealed people can say anything... Even if the parties fared well people would have doubts if the processes are not transparent."
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Interacting with a group of 20 elected representatives of different civic bodies KILA here, Gandhi said Congress would step up the process of consultation of grass root level functionaries in the coming days.
Lauding Kerala's initiatives in decentralised planning and development being carried out through the three-tier Panchayats and other civic bodies, Gandhi said "it is worthy of emulation by other states."
Gandhi, who arrived this morning, spent about 90-minutes at the institute, mostly listening to views of the participants and the presentation on "decentralisation and participatory planning."
He also addressed Congress workers at Pattambi and Malappuram, giving a patient hearing to suggestions and grievances of the party workers.