Joint Labour Commissioner Sunil Kumar said the tripartite meet, which was scheduled for today to decide fate of the closed plantation, could not take place as the owner Shankar Sharaf sent a letter requesting for some more time and the said letter was later sent to the Darjeeling district magistrate.
With the next meeting's date decided on May 25, the participating unions and the government decided to give the owner time till May 20, Kumar said.
Besides DTDPLU, the Himalayan Plantation Workers' Union (HPWU) of the Gorkha National Liberation Front was also present at the deliberations.
"Despite several rounds of meetings for reopening the tea estate, the owner has not shown any interest to that effect. Now that we have given the May 25 deadline, he will stand responsible for the outcome of the agitation we have threatened to launch," warned Acharya.
Since October 10, 2015 when the garden was shut down indefinitely, 13 labourer deaths had been reported till date by the unions.