The 64-year-old actor, who appeared in films like "Kranti", "Parinda" and Vinay Pathak-starrer comedy "Bheja Fry", said the change in the mindset of the viewers is a sign of the times.
"We are breaking away from all the cliches and are accepting movies, which are both conventional and unconventional.
"Audience is accepting different kinds of cinema and this is a very positive change," Alter told PTI here on the sidelines of "Adabi Cocktail", an annual event featuring one poet and one painter in each chapter.
"Marathi films are brilliant and are doing very good. As someone from Maharashtra, it makes me feel very happy. Since the budget is tight and they (regional filmmakers) make less movies, the emphasis is on making better films," said Alter, who also starred in the hit Gujrati film "Kevi Reti Jaish".
Alter turned poet for "Adabi Cocktail" and recited poetic works of Nida Sahib at the event.