Goa Chief Minister Manohar Parrikar told reporters here today that the cabinet had approved appointment of Chetan Pandit, a former member of the Central Water Commission, as a technical consultant to fight Goa's case against the alleged diversion of Mhadei's river water from Goa to Karnataka, by constructing dams across the inter-state border.
Incidentally, Goa and Karnataka are fighting a case before a water tribunal over the diversion of Mhadei (Mandovi) river water to Karnataka.
"The water diversion is completely a conspiracy on the part of the Karnataka government," he alleged.
He said that the technical expert would expose this "conspiracy" with the help of documentation and also present a report to strengthen Goa's claims against water diversion.
Parrikar said that the study would reveal how damming the flow of water would affect bio-diversity of the state located downstream.