Goa Chief Minister Laxmikant Parsekar announced the ban on Maggi, which is at the centre of a raging nationwide row over food safety concerns, keeping in view a similar measure taken by various other states though Maggi samples tested by Goa's health regulator did not find any harmful contents in them.
"Since Maggi has been already banned across the country, we have decided not to take a chance and ban it in Goa," he told reporters in Mapusa town near Panaji.
"Though the results of Maggi samples tested in state-run Food and Drugs Administration's (FDA) laboratory did not show presence of any harmful contents, the State Government has decided to ban sale of Maggi here," Parsekar said.
He said government has already sent the samples of Maggi for further tests in a private lab at Mysore.
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Nestle, the company which manufactures Maggi noodles, has a plant in Goa in Bicholim town.
Cracking down on Swiss giant Nestle, Central health watchdog FSSAI on Friday banned all variants of Maggi noodles terming them as "unsafe and hazardous" for human consumption.
In Delhi, Minister of State for AYUSH Shripad Naik when asked about the Maggi controversy said, "The lead that has been found in it, it is not good for the health. That is why it has been banned.
"There might be many other such products. It is not that one product was banned and its over. The Union Health Ministry and even the states are keeping an eye on places where such products are available," Naik said on the sidelines of an event.