"The church in Goa has been following this calamity with deep consternation and grief and expresses its solidarity and sympathy with the thousands of people who have lost their family members, homes and other enterprises," Archbishop of Goa and Daman, Fr Filipe Neri Ferrao, said in the circular issued to all the parishes today.
"We appeal to all to offer fervent prayers for the hapless victims of this disaster, particularly those who lost their dear ones, suffered injuries, were traumatised and lost everything," he said.
"The Church in Goa has been generous in the past, when natural calamities of this nature have created havoc in the lives of whole populations. Time has come to rise up again to the call of distress. Let us respond to this great challenge and help the Uttarakhand victims to reconstruct their lives and strengthen their faith in humankind," the circular said.
The circular would be read out during Sunday masses so as to make parishioners aware about the fund.