The notice, issued recently after activist Kashinath Shetye alleged violations by the owner of the market, stated that temporary huts, stalls and permanent structures like office, dance floor and a concrete structure have been built within 50 metres of High Tide Line, a senior official said today.
The market, named as 'Mackie's Saturday Night Market' and a popular nightlife spot in North Goa, is owned by local businessman Joseph Pereira.
"The failure to reply to the notice within a week will force GCZMA to demolish the structure without further notice," GCMZA member secretary Srinit Kotwale has said in the order.
"The alleged illegal construction and activity is highly detrimental to the coastal ecosystem/ riverine ecosystem," it stated.
As per the CRZ Notification 2011, the entire belt of 100 metres from the HTL of river and 200 mts. From the HTL from sea is designated as 'No Development Zone' (NDZ) and hence no construction/development whatsoever is permissible in the said belt.