"The BJP-led alliance managed to come to power by fooling the people. It has failed to fulfil the tall promises made before the Assembly polls," Goa Congress chief Subhash Shirodkar told reporters later.
Shirodkar, who led the delegation, claimed that voters got carried away by "unrealistic" assurances, but now they were mired in worries as the Parrikar government had failed to deliver the goods.
"Not a single project worth mentioning has taken shape in the state. The poor are suffering because of lack of governance," Shirodkar said.
He also said that Parrikar had once boasted about closing down the mining, and was now pointing fingers at others.
He also said that government had failed to implement schemes for the Scheduled Tribes.
"There was a budgetary allocation of Rs 300 crore, but hardly Rs 30 crore were spent. The community members had applied for various schemes and their applications are kept pending," Shirodkar alleged.