BJP's state vice president Anil Hoble along with his wife Sandhya and son Milind have been booked for allegedly harassing his daughter-in-law for dowry. The case was registered on a complaint lodged by the alleged victim's mother Suchitra Shirodkar on July 12 with a woman police station.
A magisterial court issued notice to the women police station asking them to respond by July 18 on the plea filed by complainant Shirodkar.
"In a glaring and shocking contravention of law, the investigating officer has been derailing the investigation - obviously because Hoble is politically very well connected, being the vice president of the ruling BJP," said Shirodkar in her plea.
In her plea, Shirodkar expressed apprehension that the the investigating officer would conduct a "shoddy" probe to shield the politically well-connected accused.
She has pleaded that "in the interest of justice, the court should monitor the investigation so that the wheels of justice are not derailed.