Goa Tourism Minister Manohar Ajgaonkar on Wednesday said his department would initiate an inquiry against the consultant company KPMG, which was given the task of drafting the state's tourism policy.
He was replying to a question in the Assembly during a heated discussion over the constant delay in formulation of the Goa Tourism Policy, which is supposed to give a new direction to the state's key revenue generating industry.
The question was raised in the House by BJP member Alina Saldanha.
Goa Forward Party member Vijai Sardesai alleged that the draft policy formulated by KPMG was "a cut-paste job from the other states without applying the mind".
He pointed out that despite having a special purpose vehicle - Goa Tourism Development Corporation - to help the department, the draft policy speaks about forming a tourism board, which amounts to duplication of work.
He demanded that an inquiry be conducted into the conduct of the consultant company.
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Ajgaonkar then assured the House that the tourism department will initiate a probe against the consultant.
He said the tourism policy would be formed while keeping in mind the state's environmental concerns.
He, however, lamented that the legislators were "not showing keen interest in giving suggestions for the policy, despite being invited to do so".
"The tourism industry's future for next 50 years would be considered in this policy," he said.
BJP member Glenn Ticlo pointed out that during the last tourist season, 15 to 16 lakh less visitors arrived in the coastal state, resulting in a slump in the business.
He also stated that there was 25 per cent reduction in the number of visitors arriving through chartered flights.