In a statement by Manoj Agiwal, CEO of Drishti Lifesaving Services Private Limited, came a day before the scheduled meeting between officials of Goa Tourism department headed by state minister Dilip Parulekar, Drishti and a union representing the lifeguards whose strike entered sixth day today.
"The tender (agreement) provides that a minimum cost to company (CTC) of Rs 10,500 is to be paid to a lifeguard. The average CTC of lifeguards is above Rs 12,000. The CTC under Minimum Wages Act in respect of our establishment is about Rs 7,390," Agiwal told reporters.
Several lifeguards are on the strike since December 29 seeking regularisation of their services.
"No agreement on any issue has been signed between Drishti Lifesaving Private Limited and the union. Under the tender, the minimum strength of lifeguards stipulated is 600. Presently, (as on December 25, 2015) the strength is 643," he said.
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Agiwal said 125 lifeguards had reported to work on the first day of the strike. "On January 3, a total of 140 lifeguards reported to work," he added.
"Out of 549 lifeguards (appointed by) previous contractor, 535 were appointed at a CTC higher than Rs 10,500 stipulated in the tender," Agiwal added.
He said the strike was illegal "as lifeguards have not made any demand which Drishti Lifesaving Pvt Ltd is required to meet and on the same ground its unjustifiable".