Even as the sale of chicken isgetting back to normal amid the COVID-19 lockdown, poultry owners are concerned that the ban on import of birds from neighbouring Karnataka may lead to shortage and hike prices.The Goa government had recently allowed poultry imports from Maharashtra, while the ban still continues for Karnataka, after a few areas in the neighbouring state allegedly reported cases of bird flu."The sale is only slowly getting back to normal. But the prices have gone up, pinching the pockets of consumers. The chicken prices will come down only if the ban on imports from Karnataka is lifted," said Jaikrishna Naik, president of All Goa Poultry Owners' Association.On an average, Goa was consuming 1.20 lakh kg of chicken before the lockdown, he said, adding that in the past month, the sale was almost down to 30 per cent of what it was, especially since restaurants and eateries were closed.If now the regular sale gradually resumes, supply should not dry up, which is why it was crucial to allow imports from Karnataka, Naik said.The Pramod Sawant-led government had banned the import of poultry from Karnataka after cases of bird flu were allegedly reported at some places there.The state government was monitoring the situation in Karnataka and imports will resume as and when it is considered safe, a senior official from the state animal husbandry department said.