"We have decided to implement the recommendations of Seventh Pay Commission from November 1 onwards. The pending arrears from January to October 2016 would be deposited in the employee provident fund (PF) and National Pension System (NPS)," Parsekar told the state Assembly yesterday while talking on the demand for grants.
He also said the order on implementation of the seventh pay commission would be issued around Ganesh Chaturthi, scheduled on September 5.
"The Ganesh Chaturthi will come with good news to the government employees. We will issue the order during that time. The implementation would be from November 1," he said.
A provision of Rs 2,553 crore has been made towards seventh pay commission implementation in the state budget, Parsekar said.
The Chief Minister had a few days back informed the House that as per the revised pay scale, the state government will have to pay Rs 272 crore per month as against Rs 213 crore per month as per the existing scale, which will be an additional burden of Rs 59 crore.