Gold prices on Thursday rose by Rs 111 to Rs 42,492 per 10 gram in the national capital on weak rupee, according to HDFC Securities.
The yellow metal had closed at Rs 42,381 per 10 gram in the previous trading session.
However, silver prices fell Rs 67 to Rs 48,599 per kg from Rs 48,666 per kg on Wednesday.
"Spot gold for 24 karat in Delhi continued upside, gaining Rs 111 on weaker rupee catching overnight gains in dollar index. The spot rupee was trading around 5 paise weaker against the dollar after falling 23 paise in the opening trade," HDFC Securities Senior Analyst (Commodities) Tapan Patel said.
Besides, strong demand due to wedding season pushed gold spot prices higher, he added.
In the international market, both gold and silver were trading lower at USD 1,609.60 per ounce and USD 18.26 per ounce, respectively.