Silver also edged higher by Rs 100 to Rs 36,100 per kg on increased offtake by industrial users and coin makers.
Bullion traders said scattered buying by jewellers and retailers amid a firm global trend, where the precious metal recovered from three-month low, helped precious metals to trade higher.
Gold in Singapore, which normally sets price trend on the domestic front, rose by 0.3 per cent to USD 1,165.33 an ounce and silver by 0.4 per cent to USD 15.73 an ounce.
Sovereign, however, remained stable at Rs 23,600 per piece of eight gram.
In line with a general firm trend, silver ready rebounded by Rs 100 to Rs 36,100 per kg and weekly-based delivery by Rs 95 to Rs 35,785 per kg.
On the other hand, silver coins continued to be traded at last level of Rs 56,000 for buying and Rs 57,000 for selling of 100 pieces.