Silver also rebounded by Rs 170 to Rs 55,320 per kg on increased offtake by industrial units and coin makers.
Traders said emergence of buying by stockists and retailers at existing lower levels driven by a firming global trend mainly led an recovery move in precious metals.
In New York, gold rose by USD 9.10 to USD 1,584.50 an ounce and silver by 1.18 per cent to USD 29.04 an ounce.
Similarly, silver ready rebounded by Rs 170 to Rs 55,320 per kg and weekly-based delivery by Rs 280 to Rs 55,140 per kg. The white metal had lost Rs 300 yesterday.
Silver coins also spurted by Rs 1,000 to Rs 82,000 for buying and Rs 83,000 for selling of 100 pieces.