Silver also recaptured the Rs 41,000-level by surging Rs 550 to Rs 41,300 per kg backed by increased off-take by industrial units and coin makers.
Marketmen said that besides a firming trend overseas, increased buying activity by jewellers to meet retailers' demand ahead of wedding season at the domestic spot market kept the metal prices higher.
Globally, gold rose 0.29 per cent to USD 1,190.70 an ounce and silver 0.39 per cent to USD 16.82 an ounce in Singapore.
Sovereign, however, remained flat at Rs 24,200 per piece of eight grams.
Tracking gold, silver ready rose further by Rs 550 to Rs 41,300 per kg while weekly-based delivery by 545 to Rs 41,145 per kg.
Silver coins, too, moved up by Rs 1,000 to Rs 72,000 for buying of 100 pieces, and Rs 73,000 for selling.
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