Gorav Jaitly CAT - A (0-16) and Ajay Singh CAT - B (17-24) ended the day at a nett score of 71 and 71.8 respectively. They will now be playing the National Finals scheduled in the Pune Oxford Golf Resort to be held in Pune from March 15-17.
A visually elated Ajay Singh said: "It was a brilliant experience, great course, loved it and very well organized. Cheers Mercedes and I am looking forward to a great show in Pune."
In the Mercedes - Benz straightest drive contest played on hole four, Punit Beriwala was declared the winner while in the Mercedes- Benz Closest to Pin in Two Shots was won by Vikram Sharma on hole 16.
The best gross winner for the day was Amit Luthra - An Asian Games Gold Medalist and Arjuna Awardee
Three Winners from the National Finals will further progress to the MercedesTrophy World Finals - Stuttgart, Germany in September 2017 to compete against winners from all over the world. One winner will travel to Scotland to witness the British Open at Royal Birkdale in July.