"When I was in-charge of UP as constitutional head and the documents related to granting of minority status to Jauhar University were placed before me, I received threats to dissuade me from signing on the documents" he said yesterday in his address at the varsity on occasion of Ali Jauhar's birth anniversary.
"I remained unfazed and did not bother of the consequences. I signed the document and accorded minority recognition to Jauhar University," he added.
Talking about Ali Jauhar, he said, "the great warrior of Independence struggle and the president of AICC, when Jawaharlal Nehru was its secretary, has been forgotten even by historians. This is misfortune of history and the country."
Speaking on the occasion, Azam Khan, the chancellor of the university said, "We approached three governors in the past but our pleas went in vain. They had been calling the university as a conspiracy and not an institution."
Mohammad Ali Jauhar University (Amendment) Bill, which had been pending for seven years, was finally cleared by Qureshi granting minority status to the varsity in July this year.