President Ram Nath Kovind Thursday said the government is setting up more than 5,000 Atal Tinkering Labs for "taking ideas to innovation", while stressing that a multi-dimensional approach is being followed to improve the standard of education.
Addressing the joint sitting of Parliament at the beginning of the Budget session, Kovind said the government is establishing new educational institutions to provide increased opportunities for professional education of the highest standard.
"Every parent aspires for a good education for their sons and daughters so that they can succeed in life... Seven IITs, seven IIMs, 14 IIITs, one NIT and four NIDs are being established," Kovind said.
The government has also established a central university in East Champaran-Motihari, the 'Karma-bhumi' of Mahatma Gandhi, he added.
Efforts are being made to further strengthen the foundation of the education system by opening 103 Kendriya Vidyalayas, Eklavya Model Awasiya Vidyalayas in all talukas having a majority tribal population and 62 new Navodaya Vidyalayas, he said.
"To improve the standard of education, the government is following a multi-dimensional approach. To secure the future of the country, it is imperative that children still studying in schools get full opportunity to transform their flight of imagination into concrete reality. The government is setting up more than 5,000 'Atal Tinkering Labs' for taking ideas to innovation," Kovind added.
It has been decided to enhance the amount of scholarship and fellowship by more than 25 per cent to encourage research activities in the country, he said.
With changing times and evolving technology, methods and processes of employment and business are also changing, he said, adding that the government is constantly working to ensure the preparedness of youth of our country for such changes.