"It has been decided to cancel the deferred auction scheduled on January 17, 2014 amounting Rs 15,000 crore. This would result in decrease in Government market borrowing programme for 2013-14 to that extent," the Reserve Bank said in a statement.
Last month, the government had deferred the bond auction citing comfortable cash position.
RBI further said that it has switched Rs 27,000 crore worth bonds scheduled to mature on 2014-15 and 2015-16 fiscal into longer term papers.
"Securities from 2014-15 and 2015-16 maturity buckets for face value of about Rs 27,000 crore have been successfully switched to longer tenor security with an institutional investor last week," it said.
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The government issues dated securities to meet its borrowing requirements.
The total market borrowing by the government would now come down to Rs 5.64 lakh crore, from Rs 5.79 lakh crore as envisaged in the 2013-14 Budget. The net borrowing, which is a reflection of fiscal deficit, as per the budget was Rs 4.84 lakh crore.
Besides, the government has already asked the ministries to curtail their non-plan expenditure and avoid spending rush in the January-March quarter with a view to keeping fiscal deficit under check.